Wednesday, April 05, 2006

nightmare strikes back

there are certain things that happened and I wished it didn't.
I've only got myself to blame...
for allowing it to happen again.
I broke the promise I made to myself.
no amt of tears, guilt, anger can erase the memory.

Again, I tell myself to forget the issue and move on.
no point crying over spilled milk.

and so I thought its all well erased in memory bank.

not knowing that days down the road where an incident striked,
it rekindle all the memories again.

the shity feeling is back...

how to deal with this I-dunno-how-to-describe-feeling?
one part of me accepts what had happened and decided to move on,
the other part of me, hates myself for allowing such things to happen again and again and again...

The constant "you juz donch learn your lesson don't you?" keeps hitting me in my head....


Anonymous said...

things happened. Like what you said "no point crying over spilled milk"

move on...

Anonymous said...

Actually I have the same experience as you do.. even though I dunno if we are experiencing the same thing or not.
I know its difficult to move on and we should not forgive ourselves so easily everytime we did it again. We should be more aware and constantly remind ourselves to prevent it from happening again.

furfur angel said...

anonymous> prob is some pple dun learn their lesson. sad to say I belong to that group...

but I'm working on it... u shld too

Anonymous said...

hi there,was surfing and came by here. hope things get brighter as the weekend nears.