Tuesday, September 28, 2004

After a month long break from the gym, I finally gto my butt back to the gym yesterday.

When I got there, all the treadmill was occupied, very fustrating. I decided to try cycling. Cycled for 20mins before I decided to try the boxercise. Its definetly my cup of tea. With the fast music and punches, backkicks and high kicks, I really perspire like a pig. The first half of the work out, I definetly punch with style. As though I'm Bruce Lee, but the next hald, I ran out of stamina and I look like Worm Lee. Its so embarrasing...After an hour of intense work out, not a single spot of my outfit is dry!

After washing up, the feeling is like combination of hunting the wild bore and wrestling the bunch of bull. ok I'm not trying to exaggrate things. When I got home, I juz sink into my bean bag and quit moving an inch of my butt...

Well, I definetly love the class. Very powerful music and moves. Hope this will help to trim my flabby arms...

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