Monday, October 03, 2005

making good outta bad

I'm being told to draft this letter which I fucking hate to do it...

this is what I wrote. To protect any implication, names have been changed.

Dear xxx,

We appreciate your volunteering serive to the team. I'm afraid we can't aceed to your request for an title to this position due to 1) its not an official position and 2) it will contradic with the term : volunteer

In view of this, the management will be having a committee, of which, will comprises of helpful people like yourself.

The main objective of the committee is to provide a communication platform between both parties. You are welcomed to voice their oh-so-good suggestion and two cent worth of useless comments which we will act as though we are interested but in actual fact they don’t give a fucking shit out if.

The setting up of this dummy committee is to satisfy you people so that you can fucking stop bugging me and I can finish my work, meeting all the datelines.

We will be meeting our agency on Date, Time at out office. You are invited to join in for this meeting. To be honest you will be treated transparent if you are present.

May I suggest that you don't waste your time and waste out resources like paper cups and coffee power.

Yours sincerely,

me to you
I wished I could pen this down and mail + fax + email to the bugger. Make sure he gets the idea!!!

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