Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Weird Dream...

something is very wrong....

I dreamt of Mr. brown

I dreamt of Mr. Miyagi

I dreamt of Moby Beng

I dreamt of Rambo Tan

I dreamt of Kenny Sia

I dreamt of blinkmummy

I dreamt of Finky Feline

I dreamt of Rockson

I dreamt of all of them last night

They all appeared in the same dream

I called them in their Chinese names, only that I translated their nickname literally into Mandarin (Moby was so disgusted with his new found Chinese nickname and gave me a dirty look. Wats more, he tried to correct my Chinese)

I saw them all in person

Yes I saw Rockson physically, only that he was wearing a Takumi's mask

so what is wrong here????

1 comment:

eisburg said...

You are Crazy!