Thursday, July 06, 2006



I stood frozen and I pushed open the cubicle door
the only explaination I have onto how the hell all the poo was splashed onto the walls and flush button but none went into the bowl was the bugger squated on the toilet bowl, butt facing the upwards and fart + poo at the same time

ok I'm getting very detail....

I pity the cleaner....


so much so for the clean city image protray internationally,
how many s'pore citizen truely cares about cleanliness of our street, toilets and everyother public places.

Tell me which kopitam toilet you need not hold your breath.

look at the smokers, how many walk and smoke at the same time? Flicking the ash as they walk... if no bins are found, down the butt to the drain and planters....
how many will crowd around the bin to smoke?

If it doesn't belong to you, none will care less....
all the cleanliness week campaign down the drain
come on~
the green froggy work very hard!!!

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