Wednesday, December 20, 2006

civil service

watashi's experience with civil servants hasn't always been a very pleasant one.
mainly because those that I've work with:

1) are incompetent
2) never a Yes/No answer, always a political right answer. which my next question will be "so, its a yes or no?"
3) takes forever to come back with "decision", but at the end of the day still no decision made. duhz!
4) like to be bootlicked, I detest that, and can never excel!
5) takes the glory and leave all the shite work to others
6) thinks that they are indispensable, which in fact without them around, more things can be sorted out
7) only cares about his/her schedule and theres no such things as other's schedule
8)have one and a million procedures which sometimes are not neccessary, but still we have to go through them
9) never seems to take charge but ace at transferring you from one department to another.
10) are good at talking, but no work seems to be done. 讲是天花乱缀,做事有心无力

and the list goes on...

therefore I'm very keen to watch this...

Maybe I'm not in the circle to understand all the constrain and difficulties that a civil servant is facing... but at least show me that the tax that I'm paying every year is made worthwhile...

Looking at those who fit the above description, I can't help to think

"NBz! 老娘 slog hours in the office everyday but you buggers knock off on the dot and get a 2.7% bonus!!!!


Anonymous said...

My experience is that:
1. They cannot make the decisions immediately. The documentation for them to sign can be delayed but not the system developers or helpdesk. The problem must be solved today, it's urgent.

2. Anyone in the level of director is VIP, above that is VVIP.

3. All problems encountered must be categorised according to the level of the people who have encoutered it and VIP problems are major and urgent.

4. Anything that can't be solved by their deadlines, complain letters start coming in and the letters are not known to you unless your supervisor is on very good terms with his/her supervisor that the letters have been sent. The letters are always sent to more than 1 head whom they have deemed to be able to "solve" the problem. The plans start, meetings start and finally, it's still you who are doing the changes.

5. They appear to be listening to you but they aren't, really.

I totally agree with your pts 7 to 10. Pt 7 is in line with my pt 4.

Anonymous said...

There's just too many people who likes to step into something that is simply non of thier business.

Imagine. Just to roll out a simple program to all the different departments need the department head to all agree before having the go ahead. And there's hundreds of departments u are talking. Just 1 indian chef around and nothing gets done.

I hate it when people start talking about tax. As if I don't need to pay tax to our government. Bloody hell I also pay tax one.

When you are looking at your earnings think this way. The more your earn the more you contribute to the "building of the nation" through income tax.

Maybe you will see more singaporeans giving up thier citizenship due to high tax just like the usa. "If you can't beat them join them!"