Friday, June 29, 2007

Beer factor

quote from CLEO magazine

Booze Bruise
Always wondered why it takes days or even weeks for a little bruise to heal? All fingers point to that Happy Hour booze you've been having. Having three or more drinks a day for a few weeks and then bumping a body part can trigger prolonged bleeding under the skin, causing long-lasting bruises. Bruising can also be an indication of something more serious, such as an irregularity in the liver or the blood-clotting mechanism. Cut down on your tequila shots if your blood still doesn't clot normally....

thats an explaination to my blue-blacks...I must tell mama theres nothing wrong with me...its Mr. A's fault....hohohoho

Beauty's in the eye of the beer-holder
Studies of bar behaviour suggest the time at which a woman is spotted at a bar by a man can determine how attractive she is in his eyes. In one study, a woman who rated 5/10 on the attractiveness scale at 7pm was rated 7/10 by 10:30pm and by midnight, passed with flying colours with a score of 8.5. Interestingly enough, women didnt alter their ratings over the time period regardless of how much they'd had to drink.

man~ tsk..tsk..

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