Thursday, July 07, 2005

To die for love? Noble or foolish?

Morning as I drank my milk n browse the newspaper the headline read "Boy 16, jump off building after breakup" caught my attention. I finished reading the article and felt sorry for the boy's mum and gf.

As quoted, the boy, currently still studying, truely love the gf, bought a lot of things for her, even beg his mum for money in order to buy a puppy for her. Yet she still broke up with him citing he is childish and a spendthrift and so insisted on the break up. There wasn't any third party involved.

He couldn't take the blow and thus commited suicide at her block.

To die for love? You think you are noble?! Not in a hundred years I say. I say life is not revolve around BGR, what about kinship, what about the love your parents have for you?

10 months for pregnancy, taking care of you for the past 16 years without any grumble, yet you choose to die because someone you love deeply rejected your love??!!

You claimed you love her yet you choose to hurt her in the most selfish way. Torturing her with guilt for the rest of her life. Letting her face cruel interrogate formthe police and family members

This is not love, it is the most irresponsible way of proclaiming your "selfless love"

Perhaps there were some hidden facts that the media failed to unveil, but if what reported was true, my heart goes out to the boy's mum and his gf, or I should say ex-gf.

I start thinking how I overcome the pain when the guy whom I love rejected my love... He likes another girl who is has fugly look, da xiao jie temper, serious attitude problem. Naturally when you feel bitter, you only saw the negative side, perhaps thats the way he likes her. (Again, something I can't comprehen)

I cried! I was devasted, traumatized, hurt, sorrowful, miresable, depressed... its that type of feeling of he is the one for me, but he thought otherwise. He didn't have the same vibes as me. It wasn't forthcoming. In summary NO chemisty!

But never did I thought of ending my life. To me, Lif is precious! In every obstacles that we encouter, there bound to be a solution. Even there isn't any solution, face it bravely, take a as a lesson learnt and do better next time.

In the case of love, if its never meant to be it isn't! Alright, its earier said than done. But if you never try, how you know you can't? And by try I mean 100% effort.

There are a lot of things in life thats is more worthwhile for us then to be bitter over a failed ralationship.

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