Tuesday, January 23, 2007

survival in crisis!

lately, work hasn't been getting easier.
With all the protect-my-ass work attitude ongoing, work has officially pissed me off!
Whats with the attitude man?!
Everything have to be in black and white, have to be so calculative, its really not productive at all. With all the head of department fighting, its so difficult to get things done.

To make things worse, I kena fly kite on my iconic event! My first big scale project! I wanna die! The expectations are heaven high, its killing me! Looking at the timeline, I'm getting REAL worried.... Please give me a miracle! I need one badly...

I'm starting to believe that the resign virus is contagious. Yet another colleague from the team resign. Now we are living on the reputation of 几只小猫team. Not that this particular person had help much in the group event, but team morale wise, its not positive.

I doubt I'm not gonna enjoy CNY, given the fact that I'm having a few events on the last week before CNY and that my iconic event is straight after CNY.

HR wanted to us to plan our leave, just as I was thinking to have a long CNY break, down it goes to the drain with some fucker sabotaging me! Tamade! Stoopid bugger, I cruse you that for everytime you wanna sneeze, at that spilt second, it just disappear! Just like that *snap finger* Muahahaha~!~!~!~

I'm starting on school projects and my assignment.... killer!

sigh! the pressure is building up....

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