Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ramdom thoughts

feeling super down
feeling restless

work is pilling
there's so much things to do
yet you dun feel like doing
not that you dun love your job
not that you are irrresponsible
but pple around are giving you unnecessary shite

feel like a 7-11...abuse and misuse
suck you dry like a vampire
leaving a dry corpse
feel so used and filthy
yeuk...afraid to look into the mirror
so dry up, where has the radiance gone to?
radiance? You gotta be kidding!!!
how to sunshine when you meet scums day in day out

need a drink, not that there isn't any courage to face reality
but that donch know what to do next.

when will they call?
dying in agony

so much so that feel like dropping everything
disappear and do what ever feel like

Have you ever got this feeling that
no longer there's any shoulder you can rely on,
as if the world has forsaken you
like you donch belong here anymore
that no dimension can contain you

Family are giving you new problem everyday
Friends are fake...
love is an empty sheet of paper
Career isn't going anywhere

you detest that hypocritical self
that you have to portray that image
no, you are not like that at all
its the strong suits that you have created
to protect that hilarious story that was written
to protect who else but you

no, you strive to be better
but the great the possibilities you created
the bigger the breakdown

support, support is crucial!

1 comment:

moby sky said...

cheer up! the sky's still around. =)