recently, I was told that the wife of the board member from my ex-company passed away from cancer, leaving behind her husband, a pair of daughter, aged 7 and 5.
She was only in her late 30s or early 40s.
The doctor had said that the max she could go on was till the end of the year.
Ever since his wife was diagonised with cancer, he had spent most of his time with the family. Going to the office for 1/2 day and spending the rest of the day with his wife and daughters.
My heart always burn when I hear/witness such unfortunately incident happening.
Some of these could be so tragic and drama-rama that you thought it only happened in channel 8 drama serial.
What is love to you?
Especially to those who discreetly/openly fool/flirt around although they are attached/married.
I get so disgusted when I see guys after a few rounds start to talk dirty, and as the night goes on, sex is the only thing in their mind.
I've got this friend who admits that he fools around, even though he is attached.
Coz this girl 自动送上门
She love him (or maybe like, I don't know) a lot.
And he, doesn't like her at all, but kept seeing her because she 自动送上门, its the 不吃白不吃 metality!
Or perhaps he is living through
The One theory?
And in another case, both are married, but openly sleeps around, and both had concensus!
Then why in the first place get married?
To them its a political marriage.
A marriage out of convenience.
I get so sick seeing all this going on right under my nose.
Especially when everyone I know is doing it and starts telling me their little exciting life.
And I'm supposed to keep mum about it.
I get so guilty when I see their
why didn't they treasure their love ones?
why seek comfort from another when you have one beside you.
What marriage of convenience?!
What The One theory?!
I say this is bullshit!
We live our life.
Fate is in our control,
You should stand up for your rights
and not let fate control you and live a miserable life!
Yes even if in the end, its still a failure,
but you've put up a firece fight,
fought for what you want, thus not living in any regrets!
The next time you start to fool around, think about those couples who are seperated by death!
The world is around, what goes around comes around.